Is your company implementing a QMS or just aiming for certification?

It is the common issues with companies, they are are just focus on certificate achievement, instead real implementation of QMS (Quality Management System) for improve their internal management. Here as below some question that you have to ask your self : 1. Does your company prioritize QMS implementation or certification? 2. Is your company focused […]

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How to Choose Right Business Improvement Tools ?

  It is very important to understand before use the business improvement tools for improvement purpose. Choosing a management structure, that is appropriate for a particular organization is !.  The first step towards the successful implementation of improvement initiatives. Here as below some helpful information that may help you to make the clear decisions. Improvement

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Process approach in practice – Quality System

First of all, it is necessary to give a brief description of the problems  & solution to  implementing the process approach. For some managers and employees of companies, his methods seem simple and transparent, long learn-base, typical and easily applicable. There are specialists who gladly preach the ideology of the process approach from various tribunes.

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Six sigma approach and Quality management system

Six Sigma approach | These six Sigma approaches help us all at once and quite suddenly, as winter usually comes in our country. It seemed that the process of developing the concept of quality had more or less become stable. There was a normal flow of TQM into international standards ISO 9000, quality management gradually

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Process Management | Process-Oriented Management System

The idea of representing the organization in the form of a set of process management and its activities as managing a set of processes began to spread in the last decade. The world’s leading companies are adopting this approach and have proven in practice the importance, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and progressiveness of the transition to customer-oriented

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Analyzing the results of QMS self-assessment

Conducting a regular QMS self-assessment is, in my opinion, one of the most important tools for its continuous improvement!     Therefore, in our company it is this process that is given increased attention not only to the Quality Service, but also to the management and the personnel management department. It is best to show

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Role of QMS in the Enterprise management system

A quality management system (QMS), which is a functional area that exists on its own and practically does not affect the company’s business results. What is the reason for this phenomenon? In this article, the authors have tried to answer this question. When implementing organizational projects in the field of improving the efficiency of companies,

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Why Lean Manufacturing Fails

Here are some facts that i try to explains as i feel about the – why lean manufacturing fails in enterprises, and what are the common reasons! Be suspicious of consultants who want to teach lean classes. Create Ohno or Ford… They risked their skin and their future. They thought and acted, at the expense

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Quality management system analysis

Quality management system analysis is evaluating & assessing the system documents, procedures, processes to ensure the effectiveness and efficiency of the system. First of all, let’s divide the entire management of the company into two essential and, often, contradictory components: Operational management. System management. Operational Management   The operational management is based on the current

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Lean Six Sigma: An Integrated Approach to Improve Efficiency

Lean Six Sigma : For improve Efficiency Lean Manufacturing and Lean Six Sigma an Integrated Approach perform excellent.   Over the past 15 years, the words Lean six sigma and lean manufacturing have become commonplace. May be often you hear, “we have already heard this or tried it, nothing new…” You ask in more detail

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