Quality control is the process of checking and reviewing the quality of a product – during or after production – to ensure that it meets quality requirements. This process helps to ensure that the products meet the expected quality standards, quality goals and capability improvement requirements.
In this process, inspection is a major component of quality control. By which the product is physically checked. The aim of any product manufacturer is to maintain and improve the quality of the product through the quality control process.

How is the quality control process done?
Although quality is very important for any business, it is very difficult to define it in the right words. It is generally believed that quality is about meeting the needs and expectations of the customers and it is true. And to fulfill these requirements, it can be divided into four main steps, that is:
- Plans. This step is an essential and critical step in quality control procedures. In this phase, plans are prepared, so that products can be manufactured according to the quality standards in the production areas.
- Put it into practice. All the plans made in the first phase are put into practice in the second phase. A defined parameter is used to develop the quality. The objective of this phase is to bring each plan to life.
- Check & Review. When plans take the form of processes, all processes are created for production. The whole process and product is tested in this third step to verify it as per the requirements and quality standards of the customers. So that it can be known that the product has been produced according to the quality standard.
- Act. When the inspection process is complete, and all products and processes are found to be up to standard, corrective action should be taken if necessary.
Characteristics of quality
When we see from the point of view of the customer, the aspects of quality can change, most of the customers change their aspects according to their requirements.
Therefore, every product manufacturer should look at the quality aspect from the point of view of the consumer. Which is suitable for the price offered and the customer is ready to pay it. Apart from that, the level of competition in the market should be understood.
That is why the key aspects of quality that should be understood by the customer are as follows:
- Great design is one of the aspects of quality. The look and style of the product can make a difference to the consumer.
- For the customers. The good functionality of the product is considered to be a factor of quality, so the product manufacturer should keep this in mind.
When a customer buys a product, he believes that it will fulfil the expectation attached to the product. That’s why every product manufacturer should keep in mind that the customer’s trust should not be broken.
Apart from that also – the customers consider the other aspects of the quality of the product – like consistency, the product should be durable – last long, good after-sales service – value for money.